Hello! And Welcome to SongFoolery!
A gameshow that's all about MUSIC and SHENANIGANS
Do you sing,
play an instrument,
or play Spotify!?

If you love music, and you love shenanigans,
You're in the right place!

Wanna have some fun!?

Do any of these strike a chord with you!?
Ever felt bored with music lessons, even though you want to love them?
Ever regret quitting piano, or guitar, or band, or orchestra, or
choir!? -
Ever wondered if you're a good musician?
Ever wondered how old is "too old" to pick up a new instrument!?

If these ring a bell, then hold on to your fermatas, because I'm about to blow your mind!

There is a different way to approach music that prioritizes fun over fretting, puns over perfection, and happiness over harping on yourself!
That way is to PLAY *with* music in the funnest sense of the word. Play with music like a dog plays with a trombone and a cat plays with strings!

You can orchestrate a music practice that is fun, creative, and relaxing! Something you look 4/4-ward to every day!